RaGS is our combined names: We are Graham and Robyn and we have been married for 40 years. Having spent most of our lives living and working (hard) in New Zealand, we are now exploring the World and experiencing how other people live. The photo above was taken in front of Stoneleigh Abbey, in Warwickshire, England. One of the best and happiest days of our lives was spent here, in this beautiful stately mansion and wandering around the grounds.
Beginning as farmers in Northland, New Zealand, we only found the freedom to travel in recent years. Our camera was purchased in the United Kingdom; prior to that we only had a small pocket camera that only took small photos. Since buying our camera, a Sony H400, we have had a wonderful time playing with the photos we have taken in some of the amazing places we have visited. Look out for Thailand and Cambodia, and latterly New Zealand, but our first photos of Scotland and around Reading in England really got our enthusiasm going! Photographs of these places are to be found in 'Our Travel' section.

The Story
Some years ago, our children grown and moving abroad, we decided to do some travelling ourselves. Wages were better in Australia than New Zealand, so we started looking for work in that country. We saved and bought a bus, and worked our way around a large part of Australia. Downtime ate into our savings, but eventually we managed to save enough money to consider travelling further afield. By this time we had two children living in Russia, so we promised we would visit them, and we planned our trip.
We thought we would do some stop overs on our way to Russia, and as we had always wanted to research our family links in the United Kingdom, we decided to spend some time there. First stop was a lucky dip though, and Graham finally chose Thailand-Bangkok.
When we left Thailand we flew to London where we stayed for seven days. During that time we explored the central city- the Tower of London, Westminister Abbey, the Thames, the Cutty Sark, the Belfast, and went sailing in a canal-boat twice. 
Then we hired a car and explored north- Stoneleigh Abbey was one find. We skipped through Edinburgh and back down to Manchester before catching a bus and boat to Ireland
After spending time in the United Kingdom, we headed on to Russia to visit two of our kids.
Eventually we were on our way home again, with a stopover in Thailand again, and we discovered pet-sitting; and suddenly the holiday was on again!
Sting, New Zealand
Sting, New Zealand
Ginger & Astaire, Thailand
Ginger & Astaire, Thailand
Winston, Cambodia
Winston, Cambodia
Three ladies, UK
Three ladies, UK
Seven, UK
Seven, UK
Mother & Son, UK
Mother & Son, UK
The adventures continue 

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